Tools and Materials List
Tools and Materials
Don't you just love art supplies? Getting lost for hours at the art shop? I am sure we all identify. I am including a list of some of the supplies that I use, however, please feel free to use what you have at hand right away. For this course you can adapt every stage by using Watercolours, Acrylic and/or Inks.
- Watercolour paper - Minimum 300gsm
- A large piece of pre gesso canvas or a ready mounted canvas
- Watercolour note book
- Water bowls & paper towel
- Watercolour paint, ink and acrylic - I use earth tones such as burnt sienna, burnt and raw umber, white and black Indian ink
- Organic Mark Making tools - e.g. sticks, string, leaves, feathers
- Spray bottle
- Soft pastels, oil pastels, water soluble crayons, graphite pencils, charcoal
- Soft paint brushes
In this video, I show you my tools and supplies.