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Organic Mark Making
Mark Making - let's begin!
Introduction to Mark Making (5:49)
Tools and Materials List (18:09)
Creating Your Own Unique Marks
Creating and Recording your own Unique Marks (25:56)
Blind Drawing and View Finders
Using a Blind Drawing and view finders to Gain Composition inspiration (7:38)
Using String for a Base Layer
Using a rustic piece of string can be a game changer (10:47)
Working on Watercolour Paper - Layers, Marks and Varnishing
Taping down your watercolour paper & 1st layer of stain (17:46)
The 2nd & 3rd Layers - Adding your marks - Varnishing (33:11)
Working on Canvas - Layers, Marks and Varnishing
Taping down your canvas & 1st layer of stain (8:02)
The 2nd & 3rd (or add 4th and 5th) Layers - Adding your marks - Varnishing (26:33)
Summary and Conclusion
A Review of our Work - Be Kind to Your Self & Thank You (1:57)
Taping down your canvas & 1st layer of stain
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